Monday, 3 December 2012

It Wasn't That Nice In Nice

Nice, Monaco, yachts, casinos, and fantastic views of villas don't account for much when one third of the group is sick.  If you read Bernie's blog you will know by now that he was ill during our time on the Cote d'Azur and that severely hampered our days of sightseeing.  Instead Matthew and I learned how to hail the French police at 3 AM and ask for assistance which came in the form of an ambulance.  We looked a motely and somewhat suspicious crew standing on a darkened street corner flagging down a police car; a ten year old boy, a stooped and hooded man, and a woman waving with all her might to attract the gendarmes' attention.  The French police were most courteous but I was a little taken aback when all three of them got out of the car and 'assumed the position' around the street while waiting for the ambulance. (How many spy novels have you read that include Nice?)  We were treated well by everyone at the Nice Hospital but I can't help but think that Boundary Trails is the Cadillac of hospitals, waiting rooms, and equipment.  We did spend one day riding the bus to Monaco and it was a treat to see this amazing playground of a city but in the grand scheme of things, it's just another city and some things need to be saved for another day.

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